The World of Living Cells

There are a lot of excellent natural health products and supplements out there. And there are a lot of ineffective ones to put it charitably.

There are also natural, healthy foods out there. And there are ‘dead foods’ (modern processed ‘food’) being passed off as ‘nutritional’.

If one is experiencing health issues, the questions become: What do I do? How do I choose?

As always, the answer becomes available with some knowledge of the subject at hand.

The road to wellness requires some understanding of the components that make wellness possible. In other words, it requires some understanding of the body and how it works.

Fortunately, we live in a time when most of the scientific exploration has advanced our understanding to the point where a few short articles such as this one will give you enough information to then be able to help you make more intelligent choices on the road to wellness. The more you know, the better your judgment and choices will be.

Today most healing modalities and various related professions still focus almost solely on the physical body’s structures, functions and chemistry. Even in this so-called era of enlightenment, diseases are still considered evils to be suppressed or destroyed by weapons (remedies) specific to each condition.

Rather than aiming to heal or “make whole” by restoring cellular abnormality in structure and function to its original state of integrity, practitioners tend to treat patients and clients according to recipes or formulas. They treat “problems” and not people.

The Role of Cells

Our bodies consist of several hundred different types of cells: nerve, brain, skin, muscle, blood, stomach, liver, pancreas, kidney, lung, heart, etc. Each cell type has its own specific shape and structure, and each cell constituent has its own specific set of functions. All of these biochemicals only function optimally when they are in a state of harmony with themselves and other body biochemicals. 

Cells are microscopically small in size. Hundreds to thousands of cells can fit comfortably onto the head of a pin. Each is very complex and intricate—a little world unto itself. It is difficult for us to visualize living creations that can be so tiny, yet this is another miracle of Mother Nature. 

If broken down even further, one discovers that each cell is comprised of many hundreds of thousands of molecules. All of these molecules are systematically organized into hundreds of minute structures called organelles. Each organelle performs a number of chemical functions that are responsible for sustaining human life and creating its miracles. 

Cellular research is a massive undertaking. It has required massive teams of scientists merely to describe the amazing aspects of cells. Even though their research would already fill several huge libraries, they are well aware that they have yet to master their secrets, of which it is believed to be well over several million. 

Cell Components 

Every cell structure and organelle consists of building blocks. The raw materials of these blocks are proteins and minerals. 

Proteins with minerals form the skeletal structure of cells as well as the structures of chromosomes and enzymes. These blocks are comprised of approximately 30 amino acids. 

All cells require energy for their function and fuel to maintain their temperature. Sugars and oils supply each, respectively. 

Sugars in the forms of glycogen granules and cantharides are the source of molecules. When a molecule splits, it releases energy for cell function. All body biochemicals must be utilized in harmony with cellular needs, which require proper balance. Balance and cell protection are the responsibilities of quality oils. 

Oils are the raw materials from which the endocrine glands manufacture hormones, whose role is to keep all of the body’s biochemicals, functions, growing patterns, and nutrient utilization in balance.  Oils also form a protective coating around cells. Similar to oil that protects your skin from the excessive rays of sunshine and sunburn, cell oils form part of the cell membrane and protect the cells from the harmful effects of body wastes, toxins, drugs, chemicals, and poisons.  Oils come in various formulas of 3-6 fatty acids: neutral lipids, cholesterol, oleic acid, linoleic acid, and arachidonic acid. Each plays a special role. 

Lecithin-Phospholipids, together with amino acids, trace minerals, and oils create the membranes of cells that form the outer sack. Lecithin links the oils to the water-soluble elements, thereby reinforcing the protective coating of cells. 

Gross minerals:  Potassium is the main mineral ingredient of cells. It stabilizes acid-alkalinity.
Potassium also normalizes cell chemistry, stabilizes and slows the growth
and division of cells, and contributes to the functioning and intensity of cell function.

Sodium affects cells from the outside. When combined with a hydrogen and oxygen molecule linked together, it acts as a stimulant to cells. This stimulant also activates the multiplication of cells. When in excess
it enters the cells and brings water with it. This causes the cells to swell. Increased volume of cells also activates cell division.

Calcium creates strength and solidity in cells, especially those that
form the brittle skeletal tissues, such as bones and teeth. Calcium is also
a carrier of the electric messages that travel through the nerves and create communication between our brains and every other tissue of the body.

Phosphorus helps solubilize calcium and other minerals so they will be in a form that can be readily used by cells.

Trace minerals:  When combined with amino acids, trace minerals create the mitochondria bodies of cells and the enzymes whereby they function within the cells.  Trace minerals together with amino acids also form the chromosomes which then fabricate the enzymes whereby the cells function and grow. Each trace mineral works singly or in groups for each specific organ, and in this manner contributes to their specific functions. 

Iron comprises red blood cells and carries oxygen.

Cobalt is essential to the formation of red blood cells.

Iodine is an essential part of thyroid hormones.

Magnesium enhances the action of calcium and helps slow down and stabilize cell activity.

Selenium is the key trace mineral of vitamin E enzymes.

Copper is the key trace mineral of the vitamin C enzymes.

Manganese is a trace mineral that strengthens ligaments.
These are only a few examples that illustrate the role of over a hundred other minerals, all of which are equally essential.

Hydrochloric acid
In addition to aiding in the digestion of proteins, hydrochloric acid also triggers the activity of the pancreas.
Hydrochloric acid participates in the cellular creation of electricity, one of our life forces. It helps to establish the acid-alkaline balance, which directs and controls a major part of enzyme activity. It is also responsible for solubilizing calcium and many minerals.

Essential for the liquefying and absorption of nutrients, water acts as a catalyst for almost all cell biochemical reactions.

Like the air in a fireplace or car cylinder, oxygen is necessary for all the chemical reactions of the cells.

Enzymes – the agents of life and living (the workers and healers)

Enzymes are small molecules created by DNA by combining an amino acid (protein) with a trace mineral.

Every cell function is performed by special types of biochemical cell craftsmen called “enzymes.”

Our cells may produce and use up to two hundred thousand of these active enzyme agents. Enzymes act only on bonds that connect atoms and molecules. Each enzyme can act only on one type of bond. 

Enzymes have two functions: splitting molecules or combining molecules. When the chemical environment is acid, enzymes split molecules. Molecule splitting is the same as the fission processes described earlier. When the environment is alkaline the enzymes link molecules together. 

During normal functions of body activity and daytime living—those times when the body needs and uses lots of energy—the body environment is generally acid; the enzymes create fission and life. During nighttime and sleep, the body environment becomes more alkaline. This is the time when enzymes link and bind molecules together, creating new substances and cells. It is also the time when the body repairs, restores and heals itself. 

Enzymes are stored in cell structures called “lysosomes.” Lysosomes release the exact number and type of enzymes our cells require for normal function.  When cells become damaged or worn out and their life cycle is finished, the membranes of the lysosomes rupture and release enzymes. In both of these conditions, the enzymes digest the cell components. This is an essential activity.

Up to 27 million cells die every minute. These dead cells must be disposed of efficiently or they will accumulate, congest the tissues and eventually denature our entire body. 

Enzymes are fragile agents. After performing their many functions, eventually, they become depleted and need to be replaced daily by eating enzyme-rich foods that are alive, natural, unprocessed, uncontaminated and not overcooked. 

Enzymes are slow, sluggish workers and must function as a team with activators, accelerators and catalysts. In this capacity, they are able to supply nutrition, create energy and keep up with the active body’s daily needs.

Enzyme activators, accelerators, and catalyst elements are vitamins.  Vitamins are essential parts of the enzymes-protein-oil-mineral team. Together they are a dynamo; alone, they are unable to perform functions needed by the body. This synergistic team creates the food processor systems whereby cells can mold and form all of the materials that make up its structure, perform its myriad functions and bring about healing and restoration of well-being and dynamic energy. 

The Role of Vitamins 

Vitamins are not single, refined, processed chemical substances as we tend to believe from the labels on vitamin bottles. The number of identified vitamins is approximately 50, each of which is a complex structure.

Most single vitamins are a combination of up to 10 different biochemicals which also act as teams. The absence of any one of these team members can jeopardize the functional efficiency of its main active constituent.  Vitamins play an important role when teaming with enzymes as catalysts and activators.

However, as sole agents, they contribute nothing to the structure, energy or function of body cells.  Although the use of vitamins is a good step in the right direction for physiological therapy, as remedies for diseases they are much overrated. Like so many other popular notions about food supplementation, it is a simplistic panacea type of cookbook medicine. 

Each vitamin can only enter and be used by cells if they have the exact chemical structure and shape that the cells require. A synthetic vitamin cannot enter the cells. It would be like trying to start your car with your house key. 

Cell Nourishment-Nutrition

Each cell requires daily replenishment of specific nutrients. Only other living cells (plants, animals, fish, and birds) contain the hundreds of thousands of molecules of which our cells are made. Only Mother Nature can provide all the normal general needs of human nature and human cells.

Each of our trillions of cells knows which elements it has used up.

These cells will then select from the hundreds of thousands of food cell molecules brought to them by the blood that they will need to perform their specific functions. It will also select molecules needed for cell structure, life force, and optimal health. These molecules are then absorbed through the cell membranes and used as necessary.

Plant cells do not have as many elements and are not as complex as human cells. Only by providing a constant variety and supply of plant foods can the nourishment of all body cells be complete.

If biochemical cell elements are isolated from all the other elements of their cell of origin, arrive singly at the cell membranes and seek entrance, they will be unable to pass through that membrane. Cell elements that are unable to normalize the needs of cells are unacceptable. This means that even individual amino acids, vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, sugars and other refined processed foods are rejected.

We can compare the process of cell ingestion to baking a cake, building a motor or computer, and leaving out several important ingredients or essential components. Place only three wheels on a car and try to drive it somewhere.

Mother Nature and her cell offspring are tyrants.

Cells are dictators in their choices of what they allow into their domains. If we do not satisfy their demands 100% they will refuse to provide the benefits we seek. Satisfy these demands 100% and their generosity, rewards and benefits are more than gratifying.

Only living food can provide us with all the essential nutrients

What is living food?

Living foods are natural foods. They are as they are found in nature whether plant or animal. They contain all the nutrients and elements that have nourished all life for millions of years, no matter where you find yourself on the food chain.

Perhaps it’s easier to understand by defining what we now call ‘dead foods’:

You’ve heard of ‘processed foods’. What’s that mean? Well, it may or may not have started out as a natural food (such as peas, or meat, or flour), but to either extend its shelf life, or to prevent the growth of bacteria, or worse, to make it addictive, it has been cooked to death (high heat to kill bacteria while also destroying the nutrients), it’s had preservatives and other synthetic chemicals added.

In case you were wondering, here’s a list of food additives from the USDA. Do not click on that link unless you are sitting down and not holding any sharp objects.

To be perfectly honest, there were probably a few natural additives on that list. But THOUSANDS of food additives begs the question:

Why do these things need to be added to ‘natural food’?

The answer to that would be the answer to the entire global health crisis.

Let’s get back to the subject of the cells.

As food molecules pass through the various organelles and nuclei of the cells, they are split into atoms. This split or fissure releases energy. When this happens, the foods have fulfilled their roles. After they have been used up and are devitalized, the initial food substances are eliminated as waste products.

Blood circulation provides transportation for proteins, oils, carbohydrates and sugars to the cells. All substances must gain access to the cells before the organ cells can incorporate and use them to perform their specific functions.

Each cell has its own hierarchy and maintains its identity throughout its lifetime. Cells must preserve the integrity of their nature or the very nature of our bodies will change. We will gradually cease to be ourselves.

Disease is the name given to these distortions or aberrations.

All that is needed for creating harmony among those with differing viewpoints regarding health and healing is acceptance to the common language arising from understanding cell biochemistry, physiology and the patterns of healing dictated by cells needs. This knowledge of the human being and its cells with their myriad structures and function is so infinite in scope and so sophisticated and complex, there can be no justification for ignoring it.

Good rapport, mutual support, communication and harmony could replace current prejudice, ill feelings, inter-professional resentments and condemnations. Great minds and great professions could work together as a team.

Since all the various healthcare professions have a strong common denominator of interest in restoring well-being to their patients, it seems unrealistic that there should be any resentment among doctors of different professions, regardless of their beliefs.

There must be a way to build a bridge across the broad chasm that separates the values of feuding professions.

Cells are like people, they have physical structures that are the result of heredity, behavior, attitudes, outlooks, emotions, habits, environment and lifestyle.

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